Fire Indicator Panel (FIP) Testing

Ensuring you have reliable smoke, heat detectors and occupant warning systems (OWS) properly installed in your building or workplace is an absolute must. But your fire safety obligations don’t end there. Fire indicator panel testing is required on a monthly basis, as per AS NZS 1851:2005 All States Safety Services offers certified fire panel testing services to help you meet compliance standards.

How is a Fire Indicator Panel Different
from a Smoke Detector?

A smoke detector is the individual accessory attached to the ceiling, which is triggered by smoke to sound an emergency alarm. Meanwhile, a fire indicator panel is a core device that is connected to various smoke and heat detection systems all throughout the building.

The Importance of Fire Indicator Panel Testing

Depending on its complexity, your fire panel may provide alarm systems for the entire building, indicate which areas are unsafe, trigger water sprinklers and lock off particular rooms. With this in mind, the effective functioning of your fire indicator panel is integral to carrying out a successful emergency evacuation and protecting people inside the building.

Testing and Reporting Requirements

Fire panels must be inspected on a monthly basis and all findings must be recorded in a log book. All States Safety Services will ensure your system is inspected on a regular basis, with minimal disruption to your business or building. Our extensive fire panel knowledge allows us to get the job done fast, without compromising on quality.

Meet your fire safety obligations with ease – contact All States Safety Services for a service.

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